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Kofi Atta Annan of Ghana, the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations, is the first to be elected from the ranks of.

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Bill Gates Foundation To Establish Biotech Lab In Nigeria

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation plans to establish a biotechnology lab in Nigeria which will help improve the countries biotechnology capacity.

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Nelson Mandela: As The World Waits, What Exactly Are We Waiting For?

Sam Hart This is no doubt a touchy subject and I will thread with caution and ensure the right amount of reverence.

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TALKING POINTS: Echoes from AU’s Special Summit on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

Nigeria recently played host to some African Heads of government, who attended the Special African Union Summit, tagged “Abuja +12”. The summit.

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Understanding Russian Engagement With Africa

At the highest levels of government, Russia’s leaders remain deeply involved ‘ ith crafting a mutually beneficial engagement with Africa. For most.

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Gov. Abdul Aziz Yari Of Zamfara: A Profile

Alhaji Abdulaziz Yari Abubakar is not your run of the mill politician. He speaks candidly and when asked why he is not.

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The Real Africa – By Karen Rothmyer

Poverty rates throughout the continent have been falling steadily and much faster than previously thought, according to the National Bureau of Economic.

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