Most Recent World News

Fintech: An Instrument for Promoting Financial Inclusion in Africa

Financial technology “Fintech” is the technology and innovation that aims to compete with traditional financial systems in the delivery of financial services..

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African start-ups explore metaverse and NFTs to tackle economic woes

It might sound like science fiction, but a Nigerian-born tech entrepreneur thinks he has found a way for Africans to escape problems.

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Tanzania Signs $3 billion Deal for Southern Africa’s Largest Industrial Park Project

Vice President Dr Philip Mpango has witnessed the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the execution of the Sino Industrial.

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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Innovation the drivers of business growth

“Social responsibility for any company is to sponsor the price and competition for innovation and technology. “It would be challenging to define.

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AfDB To Set Up Pharmaceutical Hub in Rwanda

Rwanda will host the new African Pharmaceutical Technology Foundation, a venture by the African Development Bank (AfDB) that is expected to boost.

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Western and Central African Leaders Endorse a New Roadmap to Tackle the Learning Crisis

More than forty ministers of finance and education from Western and Central Africa concluded a one-day meeting in Accra on Monday, June.

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The Necessary Rise Of Technology Transforming Healthcare In Africa

Africa’s healthcare sector continues to struggle with a lack of resources and funding, but creative uses of technology offer new possibilities for.

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How Cloud Technology Can Bolster Business Growth in Africa

In a digital era where data traffic continues to grow enormously, cloud technology is placing significant pressure on businesses to store, manage.

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Crossboundary Gets $25m for Solar Mini-Grids in Africa

CrossBoundary Energy Access (CBEA), a mini-grid infrastructure investor, has raised $25 million from ARCH Emerging Markets Partners Limited, Bank of America and.

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Nigeria to require social media platforms to open local offices

Online platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Tiktok will be required to register and open offices in Nigeria and appoint contact persons with.

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