Most Recent World News

African Development Bank Partners with Rockefeller Foundation to Propel Coding for Employment

African Development Bank has partnered with the Rockefeller Foundation, Microsoft and Facebook to launch the Coding for Employment Program in the ongoing.

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South African Astronomical, Observatory and Department of Science and Technology Launches World’s First Optical/Radio Telescope

The South African Astronomical, Observatory and Department of Science and Technology last month (May, 2018) launched the MeerLICHT optical telescope at the.

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Contactless Payment to Become a Norm in Africa

Mastercard has just revealed plans to create a strategy for easy payment by making “tap and go” a standard in five years.

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Facebook Launches First African Tech Hub in Nigeria

One of the largest social media platforms in the world, Facebook has just launched its first technology hub in Africa in Nigeria..

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Safaricom Foundation to 3-Year Plan to Empower Local Communities

In line with fulfilling its socio-economic obligations, Safaricom Foundation has recently launched its Ksh350 million three-year strategic plan to improve the health,.

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Tanzania: TTCL to Invest Sh640bn in Upgrades

In the area of telecommunications, newer upgrades are being designed on a daily basis to raise the standard of usage and effectiveness.

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Nigeria, EU to Partner on Technology Development

In order to create a more technology-friendly environment, the European Union (EU) is seeking to broker partnership agreements with Nigeria to develop.

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Rwanda: Platform Uses De-Risking Agriculture Initiative to Improve Funding

Most farmers have usually had problems when it comes to getting the funds they need to boost their farming processes and have.

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Rosatom, Zambia Signs Collaboration to Build Nuclear Science and Technology Centre

The Republic of Zambia and Rosatom, State Atomic Energy Corporation have come together to sign a contract which would ensure the construction.

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Rwanda, Japan Renews Deal to Share ICT Knowledge

The move of the Rwandan government to ensure that the country continues to experience technological transformation is still moving with full drive.

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