Most Recent World News

Sudan & Egypt Agree to Create Strategic Alliances

Sudanese and Egyptian leaders have agreed to enhance joint cooperation and build strategic alliances in all fields, emphasizing the importance of overcoming.

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Kenyan President Signs ‘Tax Relief’ into Law to Enhance Affordable Housing

Uhuru Kenyatta has signed into law, a bill creating a 15 percent tax relief for Kenyans buying houses under the Affordable Housing.

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MANDELA LECTURE: Read Barack Obama’s Full Speech

When my staff told me that I was to deliver a lecture, I thought back to the stuffy old professors in bow.

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Nigeria: Federal Government to Construct Embankments to Prevent Erosion

The Federal Government of Nigeria has started the construction of embankments to protect the nation’s river bodies and minimize risks of flooding..

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Josphat Nanok to Lead Council of Governors’ Summit in the United States

Josphat Nanok, Chairman Council of Governors, will on Tuesday 17th of July, 2018 lead a delegation of Governors, Deputy Governors and Senators.

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Eritrean Embassy Reopens in Addis Ababa Sequel to Peace Treaty

The government of Eritrea reopened its embassy in Ethiopia on Monday 16th of July, 2018 as further evidence of the peace between.

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Initiative for Global Develoment Names Leila Ndiaye as President/CEO

The Initiative for Global Development’s Board of Directors has announced that Leila Ndiaye will resume as the new President and Chief Executive.

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President Isaias Afwerki of Eritrea to visit Ethiopia after Prolonged Rivalry

Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki will be making an official visit to its neighbor, Ethiopia after a prolonged rivalry between both countries. President.

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1096 DAYS OF IMPACT: The Sustainable Development Agenda Upon Akwa Ibom State

by Udeme Etukeyen The Holy Book in Psalm 90:12 implores us: “Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our.

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Africa Finance Corporation Appoints Samaila Zubairu as 3rd President & CEO

Samaila D. Zubairu has been appointed as the 3rd President & Chief Executive Officer of Africa Finance Corporation, succeeding Andrew Alli who.

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