Most Recent World News

The Influence of The Internet on Nigerian Businesses

By Anerobi, Chimezie Lotachi The presence of telecommunications devices in almost every daily activity is a clear sign that the World is.

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WANTED: Global Leaders of Intellect, Goodwill, Generous Spirit and Deep Burning Concern for the Ordinary Citizen

Africa needs to be front and centre as new world order takes shape By Martin Roche, Writer at Large The Great British.

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Ethiopian Government Team Up With Cardano Technology

By Ruari Phillips, Consultant IOHK, the company behind distributed computing platform Cardano are working in partnership with Ethiopia’s government to explore the.

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Speech by H.M. the Queen in the XII Edition of the “European Development Days”

Brussels, 5 June 2018 Good morning and thank you very much for allowing me to take part in these relevant European Days.

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FROM AFRICA TO THE WORLD: Meet Africa’s New Voices & Emerging Actors in Development

Time was when Africa’s past and present realities were written by third parties. Then enter the new era, largely driven by young.

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May, CHOGM and the “Windrush Generation”

It was meant to be a Triumph The threat of deportation of people who believed themselves to be full British citizens has.

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China Will Continue to Increase Openness

By Chao Xiaoliang, Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Lagos   In a world troubled by grave uncertainties over.

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How Technology is Revolutionising Agriculture in East Africa

By Ruari Phillips, Consultant.   Information technology is being utilised more than ever to improve agriculture in East Africa. The sector is.

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Entrepreneurs Will Lead Africa Forward – Zandre Campos

Zandre Campos, CEO of ABO Capital believes that despite the myriads of challenges confronting young entrepreneurs in Africa,  the continent’s entrepreneurs are.

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Leading Financial Inclusion in Kenya

Gulf African Bank Leading Financial Inclusion in Kenya Financial Inclusion is growing in Kenya and fast too. Kenyans excluded from any form.

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