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5 Steps to Validate Your Business Idea before Getting Started

When I was twenty-three I had an idea to start a yoga retreats business. I spent weeks building a website, finding business partners,.

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3 Questions You Need to Ask Yourself before Becoming an Entrepreneur

Starting a business will always be trade-off for entrepreneurs. The key trade-off usually is leaving a secure job for an uncertain future.

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Five Simple Habits That Will Make You Smarter

One of the problems most of us face as adults is that although we want to keep learning new things and getting.

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If You Want to Motivate Employees, Stop Trusting Your Instincts

By Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic & Lewis Garrad Few topics have received more attention in talent management than motivation, defined as the deliberate attempt.

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5 Fitness Goals Even the Busiest Entrepreneur Can Keep

By Melissa Thompson Thinking about your fitness as an entrepreneur can be intimidating. For me it takes a few positive affirmations, meditations,.

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Why Culture Is the Heart of Organizational Innovation

By Chris Cancialosi, Ph.D If you mention “innovation” to most business leaders, it wouldn’t be a surprise if they begin to think about.

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3 Benefits Companies Can Provide to Boost Work-Life Balance

  The majority of millennial employees are seeking work-life balance today and many companies are struggling to retain their millennial employees. According.

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A 3-Step Plan for Turning Weaknesses into Strengths

By Joseph Grenny Yan Wang, the former CFO of VitalSmarts, didn’t survive Mao’s China by taking outlandish risks such as questioning those.

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Five Tips for Working with Difficult People

  If the questions I receive from readers are any indication, we need more help with working with difficult people: My co-worker.

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Low Morale in the Office? Five Ways to Motivate Your Team

By Caroline Ceniza-Levine In a recent post, I wrote about how to motivate yourself and get back to work when you resist.

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