Most Recent World News

How to Get People to Collaborate When You Don’t Control Their Salary

By: Heidi K. Gardner Most of us assume that if we want to change people’s behavior, we need to change their incentives..

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How to Deal With Difficult Customers and Clients

  By: Jennifer Davey No matter how good your customer service, you will eventually have to deal with an unhappy client. Whether.

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3 Strategies for Improving Business Productivity

Technological advances, customer expectations and especially globalization have increased the need for higher productivity. In a formal sense, productivity refers to how.

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Your Career Needs Many Mentors, Not Just One

By: Dorie Clark These days everyone knows that finding a mentor is valuable. But it’s increasingly rare that we actually have one..

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10 Biggest Challenges Businesses Face Today

  We live in rapidly changing times, especially for businesses. Consider that, in a single generation, businesses have had to adapt to.

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How Entrepreneurs Deliver On Growth and Development of Economies

 By Kenneth Nkemnacho How do I define entrepreneurship? I wanted to look at the technical meanings as an introduction to this very.

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9 Ways to Make Your Company More Creative

  By: Martin Birt Creative thinking is the foundation underpinning all business innovation. And without constant and consistent innovation, your competitors will.

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How to Turn an Interim Role into a Permanent Job

By: Ben Dattner You may think that the interim role is putting you in a Catch-22-like situation: You have to prove that.

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5 Sure Ways to Win the Trust of Your Team

By: Yogesh Sood CMD, Blanchard Research & Training India LLP Effective leadership imparts inspiration and transacts trust. No relationship can exist, survive.

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Exclusive Interview with Tanzanian Businessman Mohammed Dewji

Young, Bold, and Resilient are words that best describe one of Africa’s leading light in business and philanthropy – Mohammed Dewji. Mo.

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