Most Recent World News

The Right Way to Hold People Accountable

By: Peter Bregman Accountability is not simply taking the blame when something goes wrong. It’s not a confession. Accountability is about delivering.

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Aggressive ICT Policy Reforms Necessary for Robust Economic Growth in Africa

Policymakers have recently been urged to launch an aggressive intervention into the information, communication and technology (ICT) industry to stimulate rapid economic.

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11 Qualities Shared by Superstar Employees

By Kevin Daum No one strives to be dispensable at work. Most people want to be valuable and contribute effectively. There is.

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How to Make Learning More Automatic

By: Gretchen Rubin At work, resolutions may translate into a vague desire to broaden our horizons or learn new things. But to.

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Want to Be an Outstanding Leader? Keep a Journal

By: Nancy Adler Research has documented that outstanding leaders take time to reflect. Their success depends on the ability to access their.

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9 Productivity Tips from People Who Write About Productivity

In recent years, work has become infinitely more complex. Technological innovations have led to round-the-clock work schedules and mounting expectations. Our assignments.

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3 Powerful Ways to Transform Business Relationships

By Deborah Stoll Perhaps no two words matter more in business than these: relationships matter. The attitudes at the top of a.

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How to Free Your Innate Creativity

By: Annie McKee Creativity can feel like an accident. Suddenly, out of nowhere a novel idea shows up in conscious thought and.

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If You Want to Innovate, Learn These 9 Rules

On December 9th, 1968, a research project funded by the US Department of Defense launched a revolution. The focus was not a.

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Work from Home? 4 Key Ways to Maximize Productivity

No morning commute. No boss looking over your shoulder or co-worker who chats with you every morning. The sweet freedom of working.

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