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Desire is the key to motivation, but it is determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal – a commitment.

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4 Habits of the Most Successful Leaders

By: David Sturt and Todd Nordstorm The greatest leaders have a lot in common. That’s something we’ve noticed after years of walking.

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5 Time Management Tips That Will Boost Your Career

By: Lisa Quast Along with continuing to learn one new skill every year, there’s something else that will help you to be.

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7 Surprising Things Productive People Do Differently

In recently interviewed over 200 ultra-productive people including seven billionaires, 13 Olympians, 20 straight-A students and over 200 successful entrepreneurs. I asked.

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5 Ways to Take the Dread Out Of Networking Events

When I talk to people about networking, their first reaction is usually a sigh or a groan or an emphatic “I don’t.

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3 Questions That Will Save You 8 Hours a Week

Can three simple questions save you eight hours a week? In September 2013, Professors Julian Birkinshaw and Jordan Cohen shared the results.

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How to Maximize Your Board’s Contribution

By: Carl Bates HIGH-PERFORMING companies require highly effective boards that are focused on ethical company growth. In Africa it is no different,.

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How to Help Your Team Manage Stress, Anxiety, and Burnout

It can be tough enough to manage your own stress. But how can you, as a manager, help the members of your.

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10 Ways to Become an Effective Manager

Leadership is one of the most essential attributes of an effective manager, but it is also the most prevalent shortcoming among managers..

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Learn and Get Work Done at the Same Time

By: Liane Davey As you think about how you want to learn and grow this year, don’t fall victim to the common.

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