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Why You Can’t Think Out Of the Box — And What to Do Instead

By Alastair Dryburgh “We need to think out of the box,” somebody says. The trouble is, if you actually manage to get.

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5 Tips to Help You Overcome Procrastination, Focus and Be Productive

 By Megan Bruneau When it comes to under-stimulating or overwhelming tasks and projects, we generally wait until we’re motivated by needing (enter panic, shame,.

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How I Learned That Employees Need a Leader, Not a Friend

   By Chris Myers Early on in my career, I worked for a manager who was barely able to mask his contempt.

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9 Tips to Create Attachment to Your Brand with Customer Experience

By Daniel Newman  In the modern consumer world, today’s customers expect top-notch experiences from reliable brands. Companies must not only meet this.

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Successful Leaders Know What Made Them Who They Are

    By Bernie Swain Can you identify the one person, event, or influence that made you who you are as a.

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4 Tips that Can Help Leaders Remain Focused on the Front Lines as their Companies Grows

By Chris Zook Maintaining an obsession with the front line—where the company meets the customer—is fundamental to achieving sustainable growth. But as.

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5 Ideas to Keep in Mind before the Tough Business of Public Speaking

By Nick Morgan Lately I’ve been re-reading some strategy classics, with a focus on Eastern thought, like The Book of Five Rings.

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Being an Entrepreneur Isn’t Only About Having the Best Ideas: 3 Tips for Achieving Success

  By Andy Molinsky Most people think that being an entrepreneur is about having that big idea. And it is. To start.

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Ten Tips to Achieve Public Speaking Success

By Nick Morgan From time to time it’s important to take a step back and put the world of public speaking into.

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8 Attributes That Still Make Superstars in Business

    By Martin Zwilling Superstars in business are the ones who get things done, not the ones who work the most.

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