Most Recent World News

What Political Leadership Can Do to Accelerate Innovation!

By Bill Gates As the U.S. presidential candidates lay out competing visions for the country, I have been thinking about a topic.

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5 Vital Skills Schools Are Failing to Teach Well Enough

By Bernard Marr Used to be that reading, writing, and arithmetic were all you needed to get by and do well in.

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3 Tips to Help with People-Management

  By Victor Lipman A good deal of effective people-management is nothing fancy.  It’s nothing that you can learn only at Harvard.

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We Need to Expand Our Definition of Entrepreneurship

  By John Hagel III The great entrepreneurs of the last century — folks like Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller, and Thomas.

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5 Vital Behaviours to Learn When You Become a Leader

  By: Cindy Wahler Individual contributors are rewarded when they consistently meet timelines, produce high-quality work, demonstrate initiative and fit well within.

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11 Business Trends Entrepreneurs Need To Be Aware Of

  As 2017 approaches, it has become apparent that the collaborative economy is not a blip or fad, or something that is.

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You Can Be a Thought Leader: 3 Tips to Being Inspiring

  By Avery Blank People follow thought leaders because they inspire. How do they inspire? In developing the focus of their thought.

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8 Things to Remember When You Fail (So You Can Bounce Back Better Than Before)

    Why does failure cause some people to give up on their dreams while others bounce back even better than before?.

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The Way You Check Email Is Making You Less Productive

  By Mark Murphy The average person checks their email about 15 times per day. But a recent study from researchers at.

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6 Things Every Organization Needs to Innovate

  By Greg Satell Take a look at any successful enterprise and you’ll find innovation at its core. That was just as.

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