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7 Effective Ways to Boost Valuable Business Referrals

By Marcia Layton Turner What’s one way to significantly get someone to buy from you? Have a friend refer them. That’s according.

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3 Steps for Effective Communication in Business

By Brent Gleeson As a leader at any level, whether you are in Human Resources or not, you will be confronted with.

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Why You Should Be Your Own Motivational Career Coach

You glance up at the clock on the wall. It’s 3:30 p.m. and your 5:00 p.m. deadline is quickly approaching. You take a.

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This Is How You Know You Are Not Meant to Be an Entrepreneur

  By Aliza Licht Plans. Dreams. We all had them growing up. When we are younger we’re taught to believe that if.

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A Simple Three-Step Model for a Persuasive Presentation

    By Nick Morgan J. Fogg called it Captology the science of how you get computers (think apps) to persuade people.

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8 Things Successful People Do To Look Confident (Even When They Aren’t)

By Avery Blank   Confidence is key to your career success. Research suggests that those who display more confidence than competence are more admired;.

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The 5 Keys to a Successful Business Partnership

By Jenny Q. Ta and Shinta Witoyo Dhanuwardoyo In the world of business, we’ve had great examples to call upon as we.

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9 Ways to Use Social Media to Build Your Personal Brand

  By Sujan Patel  Brands often work tirelessly to leverage social media in order to boost online visibility and revenue. They want.

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An Entrepreneur’s Toughest Choice

   By Andy Swan Here’s the secret:  If a decision is difficult, there likely is no wrong choice.  When both choices seem.

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What Tech Will Make African Business A Global Player?

    By Brett Parker, SAP Africa Managing Director  Over the last year, all eyes have been on Africa’s technology sector. And.

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