Most Recent World News

7 Outrageous Things Every Leader Should Do

Much has been written on what leaders should and shouldn’t do.  Having read almost every notable article on the topic, the natural.

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8 Leadership Skills that Cannot Be Taught

“Everyone wants to be one, but not everyone is born to be one,” my accomplished uncle would boast, stroking his own ego. .

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Africa’s Industrialization; A Solution to Unemployment Challenges

By Dr. Stephen Lazi Ph.D Pre industrial revolution started in the 16th – 19th centuries in Europe and America, with the improvement.

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What are the Major Catalysts that Will Activate and Promote the Growth Of the African Economy?

With a population of over one billion people, Africa has the market to take an economy to the highest summit, but having.

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Education, Training, and Building African Food Brands

 African Leadership’s Writer at Large, Martin Roche, looks at industrialization in Africa  If the first Industrial Revolution was driven by steam power,.

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Preventing High blood pressure – Yomi Henry-eyo

There is an old saying that “what we eat today walks and talks tomorrow.”  We are what we eat and as Cervantes.

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Let Freedom Ring

The words of Martin Luther King came to me the other day. I had just heard the news of the slaughter of.

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17 Laws of Power

  Law #1 Do not trust those who are too ambitious. Do not use anyone who has no ambition. The former lack.

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7 Qualities to Look for in Children Who Are Destined to Be Leaders

Though it is generally agreed that leaders are made and not born, it is also agreed that there are a number of.

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Kenya: African Union Describes Elections as ‘Peaceful’

The Community Observer Mission in Kenya has said the electronic system used by the election commission was not hacked. Despite protests in.

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