Most Recent World News

South African Scientists to Study the Link Between COVID Variants and Untreated HIV

Leading South African scientists are set to investigate COVID-19 and HIV in tandem, amid mounting evidence that the two pandemics’ collision could.

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Kenya, Rwanda Embarks On Booster Shots to Ease Covid-19 Infections.

By Meresia Aloo In response to the increased number of infections, Rwanda and Kenya have begun to provide Covid-19 booster doses to.

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Ghana to Make COVID-19 Vaccine Mandatory for Targeted Groups from January

Next month, Ghana will ramp up its COVID-19 inoculation campaign and make the vaccine mandatory for targeted groups including all public sector.

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South Africa Detects New COVID-19 Variant

They said that South African scientists have detected a new COVID-19 variant in small numbers and are working to understand its potential.

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WHO Issues Plan To Prevent Sexual Abuse After Congo Scandal

The World Health Organization issued its plan on Thursday to prevent any further misconduct by aid workers deployed in its field operations.

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Ramaphosa Call for Fairer Trade Rules in Response to Pandemic

South Africa’s president and the head of Oxfam called on World Trade Organization members and manufacturers to allow fairer access to COVID-19.

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Call to Adopt A Co-Ordinated Approach in Combating COVID Crisis in East African Countries

East Africa Correspondent African leadership Magazine The East African Community has advised its member states to adopt a more coordinated approach while.

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U.S Donates 2.8 Million Pfizer Vaccines to South Africa

The United States of America has donated 2.8 million Pfizer vaccine doses to South Africa as part of efforts to boost the.

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Uganda Steps Up with New Measures to Tackle COVID-19

Uganda is enhancing the fight against Covid-19 within its territory with serious measures and steps in place by way of a new.

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Tanzania’s Announces Its First Statistics of Corona Virus Cases in The Country

The Republic of Tanzania has released statistics on Corona Virus cases since the commencement of the third wave. This marks a sharp.

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