Most Recent World News

Zimbabwe’s recovery story from a mangled economy

Many global economies were negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. And just when some started to recover from it, the Russia-Ukraine war.

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10 Recent Heads of Government visits to Ghana and what they said

Ghana, a country located in West Africa, has been a destination for diplomatic visits from heads of government around the world in.

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Nigeria’s 2023 Presidential Election – 21 Days After

Reactions of the Opposition Parties, the Ruling Party Observers, the International Community, the Legal Battles. The thrills and frills of electioneering and.

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Championing economic opportunities for women in Africa

Records and experiences have shown that empowerment is one of the smartest things a society can offer its women folk. Not too.

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The Cost of Zambia’s Educational System

Primary and secondary education is free in Zambia. From the year 2022, secondary school students, usually children aged 13 and older were.

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Top 10 Business Women in South Africa

South Africa is one country in the African continent that has the highest number of female entrepreneurs.Over half of South African women.

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President Ruto’s Power Consolidation

President William Samoei Ruto, 55, is the leader of the Kenya Kwanza (Kenya First) coalition’s United Democratic Alliance party. Raila Odinga, 77,.

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East Africa’s capital markets and the Kenya economy under President Ruto

The Capital Markets Authority of Kenya (CMA) is a government financial regulatory body. It is in charge of supervising, licensing and monitoring.

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Surviving the high cost of air travels between Africa countries

    From Leonardo da Vinci’s 1490s flying machine ideas to the Wright Brothers’ first comprehensive plane, and finally commodified in 1914.

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The Story behind Elumelu Foundation in African Entrepreneurship

The Elumelu Foundation is a private philanthropic organization that was founded in 2010 by Tony Elumelu, a Nigerian businessman, and philanthropist. The.

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