Most Recent World News

The Ancient Egyptian Inventions, Culture

Most times, when we think about ancient inventions, we probably focus our minds on foreign lands or other continents. We tend not.

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The Untold Positive Story of Somalia

Every nation in the world has a story with two sides, the positive and the negative. For some nations, the positive part.

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Why Nairobi City Is Special

Its history dates back to circa 1899 when British East African colonial rulers established it as a train depot on the Uganda-Kenya.

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The Untold Liberia History

In Liberia’s growth from a colony to a modern state, lies the untold story of Africa’s first and oldest modern republic founded.

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Germany Signs Agreement to Transfer Benin Artefacts to Nigeria

Finally, Germany has signed an agreement to transfer ownership of the Benin culturally significant artefacts Bronzes to Nigeria. It would be recalled.

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Eswatini: The African Country with a Touch of Difference

When countries on the African continent are mentioned during discussions most times, there is always the tendency to forget Eswatini formerly known.

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Get to Know South Africa in Minutes

A renowned country on the African continent known for its varied topography, great natural beauty, and cultural diversity is no other than.

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Meskel Festival: The Pride of Ethiopian Orthodox Church

Beautiful, colourful, and bright are just a few adjectives that come to mind when describing the Meskel Festival, the first big festival.

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Time Stands Still in Koma: The Tale of A Tribe Unmoved by Civilisation

In a beautiful mountain terrain, lives a tribe untouched, untarnished by civilisation and its hassles. The world is moving on, fast-paced into.

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Remember us “Akkem”: we are going extinct

Delectable natural spices and filling staple foods make Ghana’s food something not to be missed. But Ghanaian food is more than mere.

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