Britain Seek to Maintain Peace, EU to Sign Post Brexit Treaty

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Britain proposes the signing of a new treaty to the EU after Brexit as an attempt to maintain peace and security in the country following a recent blast on a packed commuter underground train in west London.

“We already have a deep level of collaboration with the EU on security matters and it is in both our interests to find ways to maintain it,” Brexit minister David Davis said in a statement.

“A new security treaty with the EU would be underpinned by our shared principles, and should make sure our partnership has the agility to respond to the ever-changing threats we face.”

Amber Rudd, the interior minister, in a statement said “Recent events in the UK and across Europe have shown the criminal and terrorist threats we face are varied and increasingly international. The long-standing collaboration we have with our European partners allows us to jointly address these threats and keep our citizens safe,”

“As we prepare to leave the EU it is, vital that we agree on a new way to ensure continued security, law enforcement, and criminal justice cooperation.”