Updated: Top ministers resign throwing UK government in Brexit crisis

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by Writer at Large, Martin Roche

British prime minister, Theresa May, is fighting for her political life this morning, following the resignation of two of her most senior ministers. Yesterday, Mrs May presented her cabinet with the Brexit deal she has negotiated with the EU.

At a five-hour cabinet meeting last night, 11 of 28 ministers spoke out against the plan. Leading pro-Brexit figures say Mrs May’s deal ties the UK to the EU for too long and means the UK will be obliged to follow the rules of the EU without any ability to influence them.

The Labour, Scottish National Party, Liberal Democrats and, most critically, Mrs May’s allies in the Northern Ireland Ulster Unionist Party, have said they are likely to vote against the deal when it comes to parliament.

This is the biggest political crisis to hit the UK since the disaster of the Suez expedition in 1956, which is seen by many as the final nail in the British Empire.

More details to follow…