Brand South Africa Restates Commitment to the Promotion of Nelson Mandela’s Legacies – Pumela Salela, UK Country Head, Brand South Africa

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United Kingdom
July 21, 2022

The UK Country Head for Brand South Africa, Pumela Salela, has restated the organization’s commitment to the promotion of Nelson Mandela’s Leadership legacies. She made this known during the just concluded webinar organized by Brand South Africa in partnership with the African Leadership Magazine UK.

According to Ms Salela, “every year, the world celebrates July 18th as International Nelson Mandela Day, but, in South Africa, we celebrate his life and legacies for the whole of July. This gives each person the chance to recognize their strengths to make an imprint on changing the world.”

While highlighting the theme of this year’s Nelson Mandela day celebration, which is: Do what you can, with what you have, from what you have,” Ms Salela, maintained that, “a global movement for change begins with individual actions, thereby fueling the move and expanding the reach of Nelson Mandela’s values, which are fighting for justice and inequalities, helping people in need, and practising reconciliation.”

“In November 2009, in recognition of the former South African President’s contribution to global peace and justice, the United Nations declared July 18th every year as the International Nelson Mandela Day. The UN resolution recognizes Nelson Mandela’s values and service to humanity in conflict resolution, race relations, reconciliation and gender equality.

The UN resolution also acknowledges the contribution of Nelson Mandela toward promoting democracy and the culture of peace internationally.

The webinar was organized by Brand South Africa in strategic partnership with the African Leadership Magazine UK. It had speakers drawn from the political and diplomatic communities, including Lord Peter Hain, a Member House of Lords, Baroness Sandy Verma, a member House of Lords, Pumela Salela, UK country Head, Brand South Africa, Kingsley Okeke, Group Managing Editor, African Leadership Magazine U.K. In their responses to the discussions, Dr Liaqat Alli Azam, CEO of Leading Like Mandela Leadership Institute, and Dr Thelela Ngcetane-Vika, of Traversing a Leadership Avalanche, took turns to underscore each speaker’s contributions and how it relates to the prevailing challenges confronting the world.

The webinar, which is designed to celebrate one of Africa’s most extraordinary leadership exports-Nelson Mandela, is organized in partnership with the African Leadership Magazine U.K.

“The macroeconomic environment we face is uniquely challenging with rising interest rates, a food crisis, an energy crisis, and capital outflows from emerging markets.
We have seen some of its early impacts in many parts of the world.

Today is a good time to have a sobering and necessary conversation on means of protecting the most vulnerable economies and further avoiding further crisis,” she added.
The webinar also explored how leaders can draw inspiration from Nelson Mandela’s leadership style and apply it to business, civil society and government. They will reflect on how they view leadership through the lens of Nelson Mandela.

About Brand South Africa

Brand South Africa is the official marketing agency of South Africa, with a mandate to build the country’s brand reputation to improve its global competitiveness. Brand South Africa’s primary focus is to develop and implement proactive, coordinated marketing and communications reputation management strategies for South Africa. Our main objective is to market South Africa to domestic and international audiences, positioning South Africa as a competitive investment destination and inspiring and instilling active citizenship amongst South Africans.

About African Leadership Magazine:

The African Leadership magazine is published by African Leadership (U.K.) Limited a company registered in the United Kingdom. The magazine focuses on bringing Africa’s best to a global audience, telling the African story from an African perspective; while evolving solutions to peculiar challenges the continent faces today.

Since its maiden edition, African Leadership Magazine has become a leading pan-African flagship leadership-focused publication read by over 1 200 000 targeted international investors, business executives, government policymakers, and multilateral agencies in Africa, the Middle East and Asia, Europe, and the U.S. It is distributed at major international and African Leadership events around the world.

The magazine has over 1 000,000 subscribers/Followers on Facebook and a virile readership on other social media platforms. It is a niche and unbiased African voice born out of a desire to tell the African story from an African perspective by focusing on individuals and corporates known for their legacy-based approach to leadership.