Bola Tinubu: Why Being Nigeria’s President Isn’t Enough

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Becoming a Nigerian President has never been an easy task. More worrisome is to become one and not succeed at your job. Before I go on let me congratulate you, Mr. Bola Tinubu, on being elected as Nigeria’s new president! You will have the enormous responsibility of leading and shaping the future of a great nation once you take office. There will be many hurdles ahead, but with the appropriate vision, effort, and leadership, you may effect great change and leave a lasting impression. We will give you helpful tips in this article to help you travel the route to success and effectively serve the Nigerian people.

Nigeria’s position in the global world is critical to the sustenance and stability of billions of people. While the country has the most people with a dark complexion, it also serves as a pivot for a continent, and its effect extends far beyond skin pigmentation. As the legal battle over who was the rightful winner of the last general election continues, here’s a word for Bola Tinubu, who took over the presidency from previous President Mohammadu Buhari.

You have taken on a significant responsibility to guide the country towards wealth, progress, and social peace. The difficulties ahead are enormous, but you can usher in a new period of growth with smart preparation, resolute action, and a commitment to the welfare of the Nigerian people. This article is a must-read to help you handle the complexity of government and leave a lasting impression on the illustrious nation of Nigeria.

Prioritise good governance:

Transparency, accountability, and the rule of law must be the foundations of your administration. Establishing robust anti-corruption measures, maintaining fair and efficient justice systems, and fostering an atmosphere favourable to business and investment will promote economic growth and enhance the lives of Nigerians. Lead by example and encourage ethical practises within your administration to foster trust and inspire residents. You must never appear to be biased; you must be for everyone. Use the nation’s variety to forge the much-needed togetherness that would propel Nigeria to the majestic heights that it deserves.

Economic Diversification:

Nigeria’s reliance on oil money has made the country vulnerable to swings in global oil prices. Embrace diversification by investing in agricultural, manufacturing, technology, and renewable energy industries. Encourage entrepreneurship, offer incentives to small and medium-sized businesses, and create a climate conducive to innovation. Diversifying the economy allows you to decrease poverty, create jobs, and achieve long-term development. If economic development is your goal, you must build on agricultural models that attract citizens to enter the farming industry. Create a more hospitable atmosphere for doing business. Bring in foreign direct investment. Make every effort to close the loopholes that allow Nigeria to lose hard currency to others. All of this requires political will and drive; if you want it, you can get it.

Infrastructure Development:

Investing in strong infrastructure is critical for Nigeria’s development. Address the nation’s infrastructure deficit through updating transport networks, expanding power generation and distribution, and enhancing access to clean water and sanitary services. These initiatives would boost productivity, attract investment, and improve Nigerians’ quality of life. Of doubt, expanding the Bus Rapid System BRT in Lagos to the national arena would be a step in the right direction. However, you should not let the unneeded wilfulness of transport unions witnessed in Lagos flow over into Abuja or other parts of the country. I mention Lagos because you were once a Governor of Lagos and are well-versed in the potential and difficulties that exist there.

You can reinstate the Water Board system because you cannot ask Nigerians to generate all of their fundamental requirements, like water, electricity, shelter, and food, and then return to collect wholesome taxes from them. Water scarcity affects places such as Plateau State, Edo State, Adamawa, and many others; it is up to you to not only ease but also eliminate this misery. After all, the buck stops at your desk.

Education and Skill Development: Nigeria’s most valuable resource is its people. Prioritise education reform by investing adequate resources to improve school quality, train teachers, and extend access to education, particularly in impoverished areas. Emphasise technical and vocational education to prepare young Nigerians for the labour market. By investing in education, you will empower our kids, eliminate unemployment, and propel national prosperity. It is a sad indictment that millions of Nigerian out-of-school youngsters are still roaming the streets when their peers are in school. Strikes in Nigerian public tertiary institutions should be eliminated because the grievances frequently cited are solvable.

Proper artisanship should be encouraged through the Industrial Training Tund, ITF, to develop skills across the board and reduce the unemployment rate in the country.

Healthcare and Social Welfare: Ensure that healthcare is inexpensive and available to all Nigerians. Invest in healthcare infrastructure, secure the availability of necessary pharmaceuticals, and increase healthcare professional training and welfare. Implement social welfare programmes to offer a safety net for society’s most vulnerable members, such as the aged, disabled, and underprivileged. A prosperous and healthy population is critical for national growth.

Healthcare providers need to be remunerated just like their counterparts abroad in other to avoid the brain drain that the sector has been suffering.

Security and Conflict Resolution: Addressing Nigeria’s security concerns is critical to maintaining peace and stability. Improve security forces’ capacity, enhance community policing, and work with neighbouring countries to combat terrorism, insurgency, and other types of criminality. To reduce ethnic, religious, and regional tensions, prioritise conflict resolution, and foster dialogue. Increase community trust to promote unity and cohesiveness. It was encouraging to see you convene a conference with the heads of the various security services and instruct them not to work against each other’s efforts. The importance of proper security cannot be overstated, as seen by the previous administration’s impact on all aspects of life in the country.

The employment of community policing is one factor that must be utilised in preventing crises. These people are on ground and can easily assist in detecting odd faces, some of whom are troublemakers. Ensure that constables are paid on a consistent basis so that they can view their job as a full-time obligation.

Environmental Sustainability: Nigeria suffers environmental concerns such as deforestation, desertification, and pollution. Implement policies that encourage sustainable development, natural resource conservation, and the transition to renewable energy sources. Encourage eco-friendly practices, contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation initiatives, and safeguard our unique ecosystems. A dedication to environmental sustainability would ensure a greener and healthier future for Nigerians. The government should not join the climate change denialists but rather strive to rally other African nations to demand adequate compensation from major carbon emitters. Renewable energy should be prioritized in this era of environmental consciousness.

Empower Women and Youth: Women and youth make up a sizable proportion of the Nigerian population. Create opportunities for them to be empowered and involved in decision-making processes. Encourage gender equality, offer access to quality education and healthcare, and support efforts that economically empower women. Engage and invest in youth development programmes, entrepreneurship, and mentorship. Nigeria may open up new possibilities for growth and advancement by using the potential of women and youth.

Nigeria faces severe difficulties, but with imaginative leadership and a commitment to the common good, you have the capacity to alter the country. Leading Nigeria as president is a huge responsibility, however, with the correct attitude and approach, you can have a tremendous impact on the country’s progress. Prioritise strong governance, and unity, address security concerns, invest in education and healthcare, diversify the economy, develop infrastructure, and empower women and youth. Keep in mind that good leadership necessitates teamwork, consultation, and a genuine desire to serve the Nigerian people.

You may lead Nigeria to a brighter and more successful future by following this advice and remaining committed to the welfare of the country. Your choices will have an impact on the lives of millions of Nigerians, laying the groundwork for a thriving and inclusive future. Accept this chance to leave a lasting legacy of growth and unity. As with any other endeavour, success is desirable, but sustenance is preferable. It is not enough to be Nigeria’s President; success is required.