AU, ECOWAS Backs Youth on Increased Participation in Politics

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The African Union (AU) in collaboration with ECOWAS have backed the youths of the West and Central African regions as they begin a campaign that pushes for greater participation of young people and women in the political scenes of the continent.

This endorsement is a fruit of a three-day Regional Consultation Meeting in Abuja, Nigeria which held on the 14th of September 2017, the meeting was a trigger to youths to wake up from political slumbers and take responsibilities in their respective countries in Africa.

Therefore the Not-Too-Young-To-Run campaign of the Youth Initiative for Advocacy and Advancement (YIAGA), a civil society group based in Nigeria has been flagged off with the theme.

Head of ECOWAS liaison office at the AU Raheemat Momodu, spoke on behalf of the ECOWAS Commissioner for Political Affairs Peace and Security, with great delight she expressed her support and urged them to concentrate on networking to achieve their aims across regions.

“Now that we know that the problems of the youth are the same and that they cut across regions, this calls for serious networking while there is a need for proper documentation as we create a networking memory force together,” she said.