AU Chief, Sall Urges Africa’s Devt. Partners For More Support

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African Union, AU chairperson and Senegalese President, Macky Sall told development partners of the African Development Fund (ADF) to allow more support for resources to meet the critical development needs of African countries.

Recall that the African Development Fund is the African Development Bank Group’s concessional lending arm that supports the continent’s low-income countries.

The Senegalese leader was speaking to representatives of the fund’s regional and non-regional member countries and senior management of the African Development Bank Group, who paid him a courtesy call at his office in Dakar. The African Development Bank President; led the delegation.

Sall said: “These are tough times for governments. We need investment and development.

Today, youth are raising their voices, demanding employment. They are impatient.

Governments must listen and invest more to create jobs and make African economies more competitive. The African Development Fund needs significant financing and should be allowed to go to the capital markets.”

Also, it would be recalled the African Development Fund representatives were in Dakar for a two-day meeting to discuss the fund’s 16th replenishment.

Adesina, however, thanked President Sall for his leadership of the African Union, and for representing the continent at major international events to discuss Africa’s development.