Art, Design Stakeholders Seek New Design Solutions

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The Design Kenya Society (DKS) in collaboration with the University of Nairobi, School of Arts and Design, have partnered to bring together design students, academia and design stakeholders under the Nairobi International Design Conference (NIDEC).

The two day conference running from the 25th to the 26th of May 2017 will focus on the theme: Integrated Design Solutions for a Better Africa- Seeing the ‘Big Picture’ thus positioning design as a catalyst for accelerated development, industrialization, communication and education in Kenya.

NIDEC 2017 is targeting students and professionals in the design fields of Industrial product, Interior, fashion, Graphic, Web and Illustration. It is estimated that over 3 million young people are engaged in one way or another in design related fields in Nairobi.

The Conference hopes to provide a platform to develop solutions that are more effective, efficient, desirable, useful and long lasting while addressing Africa’s social challenges using integrated design approaches.

Some of the Conference activities include student challenge competition, special workshops, paper presentations and reflections. Facilitators include prominent local and international designers.


Source: Capital FM