Arab Leaders Express Solidarity With Libya, Call For Libyan Solution Leading To Elections

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Arab leaders have expressed their full solidarity with the Libyan people and support for efforts to end the Libyan crisis through a “Libyan-Libyan” solution that preserves the unity and sovereignty of the country.

The leaders disclosed their support in a final statement issued at the just-concluded Arab League summit in Algeria on Wednesday.

Arabian leaders also expressed readiness to support Libya in maintaining its security and that of neighbouring states. They also expressed support for achieving the aspirations of the Libyan people to hold elections as soon as possible to achieve lasting political stability.

The statement reiterated the rejection of all forms of external interference in the internal affairs of Arab countries and adherence to the principle of Arab solutions to Arab problems by strengthening the role of the Arab League in preventing and solving crises by peaceful means, and working to maintain “Arab-Arab relations.”

The statement, called the “Algeria Declaration” valued the endeavours and efforts of many Arab countries, especially Kuwait, to achieve Arab and Gulf solidarity.

The Head of the Libyan Presidential Council called on member states to play their role in building bridges among Libyans in his speech at the Arab League summit.