Angola: Ruling Party Candidate Wins Presidential Election

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Results of Angola’s 2017 presidential election was announced on Wednesday declaring João Lourenço, the MPLA party candidate as the next president of sub-Saharan Africa’s third-largest economy.

According to the results compiled by the electoral commission, João Lourenço had 61.07 percent of the entire vote while the main opposition UNITA took 26.67 percent, with the smaller opposition party CASA-CE winning 9.44 percent.

Lorenco is expected to take office on Sept. 21, replacing Jose Eduardo dos Santos who ruled Angola for the past 38 years. Eduardo dos Santos will after stepping down resume duties as head of the People’s Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA).

“Mission accomplished,” Lourenço told supporters at his party’s headquarters in Luanda.

“We’ll produce a better future for the country and the people of Angola,” he said in his first comments as president-elect.