Angola: Opposition Party Dissatisfied with Election Results, tells EC to give Breakdown

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The leader of Angola’s main opposition party Isaias Samakuva on Saturday told the Electoral Commission to give a break down on how it compiled the election results which gave the ruling MPLA victory in the just concluded presidential election.

Isaias Samakuva said his UNITA party, which has rejected the published results of the national ballot, was conducting a parallel count using polling station records and computer software that did not tally with the commission’s figures.

“Where did those results come from?” Samakuva asked supporters at the party’s campaign headquarters in Luanda. “The CNE (commission) must explain to Angolans what it did wrong and why it did it.”

According to the 98 percent of the vote counted, CNE figures announced on Friday put the People’s Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) at 61.1 percent and the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) on 26.7 percent.