Angola & Germany Sign Field Transport Agreement

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Angola and Germany have signed an agreement of intent providing for cooperation in the fields transports, as part of the president João Lourenço’s visit to the European country, announced the Transport minister, Viegas de Abreu.

Viegas de Abreu said that the agreement opens up the possibility for signing specific cooperation protocols in different sectors of transport, particularly in the field of mobility.

Stressing the fact of the Germany to be the Europe’s most developed country in terms of transport, the minister noted that Angola is interested in cooperating with the European Union’s member country.

He also spoke of forging contacts with the German side for cooperation in the field of civil aviation, a strategic field of transport in the country, as well as rail and road areas.

Angola and Germany diplomatic relations date back from 1979.

The relation gained a new momentum at the first session of the Bilateral Commission the two countries held in Berlin in 2012.