Alassane Ouattara: Charting The Next Step for Cote D’ivoire Through Reconciliation

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By Alkali Amana

In the true spirit of leadership, President Alassane Ouattara has chosen the path of peace and reconciliation by settling existing differences between himself and his predecessor Laurent Gbagbo to benefit Cote d’ Ivoire.

This marks an outstanding week for President Ouattara, who values the idea and ideal nature of peace. He noted that the most important structure for the country is that of peace. On his Twitter handle, he announced his interaction with Gbagbo as:

“(a) cordial and fraternal meeting with my young brother… We will work to build confidence for the benefit of our country”.

Through this act of reconciliation, President Ouattara has restated his commitment to ensuring that peace and harmony reign in Cote d’Ivoire. He explained that the crisis created differences that have been put in the past. His achievement in this regard is laudable, considering the quest for healing and understanding for the nation. There is no better time for such a move, which serves as an encouraging act for other African leaders to create stability in their respective regions.