African-Nordic Business Conference

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We are pleased to invite you to the first African-Nordic Business Conference in 2017. It will be the leading forum in the Nordic region for informed and engaged debate on doing business in Africa. We expect over 400 delegates with extensive experience and commitment to Africa. For entrepreneurs and companies from Africa it provides an opportunity to identify and develop partnerships, and investor and market opportunities for organisations from the Nordic countries, the Conference offers an excellent opportunity to meet like-minded professionals from Africa to facilitate business development.

The Conference will focus on the strategies integral to building sustainable businesses on the continent. Our speakers, a ‘who’s who’ of the most respected entrepreneurs, managers and investors from across Africa and the Nordic regions, will share their insight on the creation and delivery of exceptional local and global companies from Africa.

We are also pleased to have as one of our cross-cutting themes the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We believe responsible businesses can provide an extraordinary boost in realising the SDGs and, in turn, they amplify the opportunity for successful business. Here the Conference will provide the first opportunity to discuss how businesses and entrepreneurs can play a central role in implementing the SDGs.

Benefits of attending

The Conference’s full programme will be published shortly. Attendees will learn how investors and entrepreneurs have realised returns and grown companies through

• Keynote addresses from business leaders and top investors

• Case studies from entrepreneurs who have built successful businesses in Africa

• Expert panels that explore markets, such as infrastructure, consumer goods, education, energy, entre preneurship, finance, healthcare, ICT/technology and cleantech.

Whether you’re looking to start a business in Africa, expand a current venture, or better understand the latest African market trends, our Conference and its range of speakers will give you the knowledge, insight and contacts you need. It will also help you understand and manage financial, legal and reputational risks necessary when working in Africa. The Conference will host a business fair and ‘meet the buyer’ event.

Who should attend?

If you have an interest in identifying and exploiting the emerging opportunities in Africa this Conference is for you. And if you have something you would like to contribute to the event or support us, we want to hear from you.

For ticket sales and further information contact our Event Manager Suvi Ify Tel. +358 44 52 62 755


Why Africa?

Africa’s rate of growth has out-performed the global rate over the last decade. In numbers this equates to:

$ 2 trillion – the collective GDP of the African continent

• $1 trillion – consumer spending in Africa by 2020

• 635 million – number of mobile subscriptions in sub-Saharan Africa in 2014

• 60 % – percentage of the world’s total uncultivated, arable land

• 64 – number of African cities with over 1million people by 2025

• 29 – African billionaires in 2014
• 200 million – people aged between 15 and 24

• 1.1 billion – the continent’s labour force by 2040

• 128 million – number of African households with discretionary income in 2020

• 50 % – the proportion of Africans living in cities by 2030

• 12 million – number of 20-24 year olds with tertiary education in 2030

• 8 % – annual private equity growth by 2018

• $50 billion – potential total investment by 2020

….and the Nordic Countries

Nordic countries have some of the most productive businesses and organisations in the world – they consistently are identified as being some of the best-equipped to compete in the global economy with enormous strengths in innovation and knowledge transfer. Crucially, what makes them unique in
being able to support the development of opportunities in Africa is an ability to build on their traditional drivers for growth – development of shared values, entrepreneurship, regional integration, infrastructure development, and public-private partnerships.


Springboard is an independent company of specialists offering a range of business-to-business services. We advise clients – both African and Nordic – on strategic decisions which have implications for business development and investment opportunities.
We bring together professionals from diverse disciplines and with complementary skills. The depth of our expertise allows us to take on complex and strategic projects in Africa. Our clients trust us to help realise their visions.


We are pleased to invite selected organisations, such as yours, to partner with Springboard Afro–Nordic Business Platform Ltd in a limited number of unique visibility opportunities.
For more information contact Suvi Ify on +358 44-5262755 or or visit