African Leadership Organization Introduces Scholars Program to Baze University

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By Alkali Amana

The African Leadership Organization, a leading continental platform on publication and business, has formally presented its global flagship Scholars Program to the Baze university community at the institution’s Information Technology, Research and Innovation Week.

The organization was represented by the Group Managing Editor, Mr Kingsley Okeke, and the Coordinator of the Scholars Program, Alkali Amana, at a Hybrid event forming part of the Innovation week with the theme ‘Enhancing Institutional Research and Graduate Employability’ as its focus. In his presentation, Mr Kingsley Okeke disclosed details of the Scholars Program to participants and what it stands for in the face of an emerging youthful population in Africa.

He explained that the Organization is visionary in its efforts to sustain the conversation and drive towards a better Africa; hence, the need to adopt a youthful approach to discussing and initiating leadership across the continent in tertiary institutions.

“The African Leadership Scholars Program provides a template for young people to engage leaders across the continent, and they can also use the ALM platform to write about issues that concern them in their domain. To build the continent of our dream, we must build that synergy between young Africans across different countries” he said.

The university community received the presentation well, and Mr. Okeke was on hand to receive an award on behalf of the Organization for its participation at the Innovation week. Following the presentation, Baze University joins a growing list of prestigious tertiary institutions considered to establish the Scholars Program globally.