2nd High-level Capacity Building Workshop on Strategic Communication, Stakeholders & Perception Management

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Portsmouth-UK:  following the overwhelming success of the maiden edition of the High-level Capacity Building Workshop on Strategic Communication, which held recently in Kigali, Rwanda, the African Leadership Group has finalized plans to hold the second edition of the workshop.

The workshop with the theme: Leadership & Persuasive Communications for 21st Century Managers, brings together facilitators from Nigeria, the USA, and Rwanda – with over 3-decade experience in practical and theoretical approaches to strategic communication. The workshop will build on the success of the maiden edition and promises to reward delegates by providing tangible and measurable results at the end of the workshop. At the end of the workshop, delegates will be able to significantly enhance the following: Create behavior change through meaningful and engaging communications strategy; Build positive relationships and generate public trust for the agency; Better engage internal stakeholders & External Stakeholders; Leverage digital channels for increased engagement with 21st century Nigerians; Proactively manage reputation and digital presence.

As your responsibilities grow, your understanding and application of the strategic communications concept can help you succeed or hold you back. In any given role or function, managers should be able to convey their ideas in ways that promote effective decision making, teamwork, and action.  This 4-day training will delve into the concept and techniques used by some of the world’s most successful managers. Exploring verbal and nonverbal communications, this program will help you to become a more persuasive communicator in a range of settings.

The maiden edition drew delegates from the public and private sectors –  from Nigeria, Rwanda and South Africa.

See pictures and testimonials from the maiden edition: 

The workshop is open only to registered delegates in mid and senior-level public/private sector leadership roles, with the responsibility of managing small or large departments/groups in the organization. This is an advanced course, designed to show step-by-step techniques to develop and manage a sophisticated strategic communication plan for the public and private sector.

According to the Group Managing Editor, Mr. Kingsley Okeke, “this workshop is aimed at exposing delegates to trends, innovations and best in class practice for the 21st-century leaders.” Mr. Okeke further stated that the workshop is in line with the African Leadership Group’s efforts of evolving solutions to some of the continent’s peculiar challenges.

About African Leadership Group:

African Leadership (UK) Limited, is a company registered in the United Kingdom and publishes the Monthly African Leadership Magazine. The magazine focuses on bringing the best of Africa to a global audience, telling the African story from an African perspective; while evolving solutions to peculiar challenges being faced by the continent today.

The Company has also grown to become a leading Pan-African Public sector consulting firm, with key interest in helping to reshape the country’s narrative through leadership trainings and capacity building workshops.  l

Since its maiden edition, African Leadership Magazine has grown to become a leading pan-African flagship leadership-focused publication read by over 1, 000, 000 targeted international investors, business executives, government policymakers, and multilateral agencies across Africa, the Middle East and Asia, Europe, and the US. It is distributed at major international and African Leadership events around the world. The magazine has over 900,000 subscribers/Followers on Facebook and a virile readership on other social media platforms. It is a niche and unbiased African voice born out of a desire to ameliorate a lot of Africans by focusing on individuals and corporate organizations that are known for their legacy-based approach to leadership.

For Participations and enquiries, call:

Kingsley Okeke

+234 7036827724
