African Business Leadership Awards 2021

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Below are the shortlist of nominees in 12 categories for African Business Leadership Awards 2021. Voting commences from Thursday, July 29th and will close on Thursday, 12th August 2021.

African Business Leader of the Year

This award recognizes the exceptional business leader whose vision, innovations and management abilities have helped steer his company successfully in both his home country and in the global marketplace, driving growth, and providing leadership.

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African Business Leader of the Year


African Female Business Leader of the Year

This award recognizes exceptional leadership and managerial skill in a female business leader, who in spite of stiff competition in a male-dominated world, has shown resilience, courage and sagacity in building a worthy brand.

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African Female Business Leader of The Year


African Regulator of the Year

This Award recognizes a government regulatory agency for its effective regulatory framework or policy initiatives and programs, implemented across national or regional levels. That encourages action beyond compliance with applicable laws, enhances stakeholder’s engagement and contributes to the growth of the National or Regional/States Brand through the practical impact on the people.

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African Regulator of the Year


Business Friendly Governor of the Year Award.

This Award recognizes a States or Regional governor who has been able to drive investment into his/her state/region, remarkably increasing the commercial activities of his state /region since assumption of office.

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Business Friendly Governor of the Year


Central Bank Governor of the Year Award

The Central Bank Governor of the year award recognizes those who have led their countries’ economies through what has been another tumultuous year and have been able to stimulate growth and stabilize their macro-economic environment, thereby boosting investor confidence.

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Central Bank Governor of the Year


African Trade & Investment Minister of the Year

This Award recognizes an African Trade & Investment Minister, whose innovation; hard work and success can be seen in an increased flow of FDIs, enhanced export capabilities for their local products in reaching new markets through the increase of the volume and impact of exporting their local products or services.

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Africa Trade And Investment Minister of the Year


African CEO of the Year

This Award recognizes top CEOs who by dint of hard work, business savvy and outstanding managerial skills are building strong pan-African brands, creating jobs and shared prosperity for its stakeholders and communities.

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African CEO of the Year


Young Business Leader of the Year Award

This award recognizes a young African business leader, 40 years of age or below, whose outstanding business successes and verifiable business journey have made them role models and inspirational success stories in the market place.

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Young Business Leader of the Year


Africa CSR and Community Development Impact Award

This award recognizes businesses whose profits have been effectively channeled to impacting their communities through their corporate social responsibility contributions to the arts, education, environment, and community development, making a societal impact, a corporate priority.

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African CSR & Community Development Impact Award


African Brand of the Year

This award recognizes the exceptional African Brand that has proven sustainability of brand essence and identity, with verifiable distinctiveness, originality, and deep loyalty base.

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African Brand of the Year


African Company of the Year

This Award recognizes companies who have made a mark in their industry sectors through uncommon customer service, innovative products offering, community impact or technological offering, and concrete societal impact.

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African Company of the Year


Industry Personality of the Year

(ICT, Banking, Telecoms, Aviation, Retail, Business, etc.) This award recognizes the individual whose vision and innovations have become drivers of growth in particular industry sectors and permanently impacted the way of doing business in that particular sector.

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Industry Personality of the Year