Africa Projects and Think Ocean Partner to Scale SDG Education and Circular Economy Programs 

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Africa Projects, an organization dedicated to developing sustainable solutions for African communities, and Think Ocean, a global organization, focused on education, technology and consulting for sustainable solutions announced today that they have formed a partnership to focus on education and circular economy programs with a focus on tackling the plastic pollution crisis.

The partnership will leverage the expertise of both organizations to implement targeted, scalable, outcome-focused projects that aim to tackle plastic pollution in rivers, prevent plastic and debris from making its way to the oceans, and improve the environment while reducing carbon emissions.

In addition to their collaboration on projects, Africa Projects and Think Ocean will work together to provide education programs for communities, schools, and individuals, as well as sustainability focused ideation, innovation and acceleration programs. The aim is to educate and empower communities to become agents of change that solve the complex challenges currently facing society and the planet.

“We are excited to partner with Think Ocean to address one of the biggest environmental challenges of our time – plastic pollution. Our joint efforts will help us achieve our goal of creating a more sustainable future for our planet,’’ ” said Dr Ken Giami, Founder of Africa Projects. “Our education programs, collaborative approach and innovative solutions will create a more effective and sustainable impact on the environment and the communities we serve.”

Africa Projects and Think Ocean will also focus on multi-stakeholder approaches in developing regional circular economies. This approach involves working with various stakeholders including government, corporates, education and community groups, nonprofits, and local organizations to foster solution-focused innovation from the youngest to the most experienced minds.

“We believe that our collaboration with Africa Projects will allow us to truly scale the solutions we need,” said Hugo Valdes-Vera, Founder of Think Ocean. 

The partnership between Africa Projects and Think Ocean is a significant step towards addressing the urgent need for sustainable solutions to the global plastic pollution crisis. With their collaborative approach, innovative solutions, and commitment to education, these two organizations are poised to make a significant impact on the environment and the communities they serve.
