Africa: Malawi Named As Sixth Best English Speaking Country in Africa

  • 55


Malawi has been named as sixth best English Speaking African Country Africa in a study conducted by World Linguistic Agency.

The study names Uganda as the best with Malawi’s neighbours Zambia as second.

According to reports, the study revelations have risen amid video from a Miss Rwanda contestant that was shown struggling with English in a country that made a move from Francophone to Anglophone.

The study also sees Nigerians being credited for taking the spot for constructing good sentences that are grammatically flawless.

English and Chichewa are the country’s two official languages.

English was introduced into Malawi towards the end of the 19th century, due to the influence of British explorers, missionaries, the arrival of the African Lakes Corporation and colonial administrators present since the establishment in the 1890s of the British Central Africa Protectorate.

The seventy years of British Colonial rule that followed the Scramble for Africa, set the groundwork for English to grow into the area’s dominant and most socially prestigious language.

Among other things official government records are written in English, the parliament conducts its deliberations in English, the laws of Malawi are written in English, progression into secondary and higher education requires certification of competence in English, nearly all Malawian newspapers are published in English (though some include small Chichewa supplements),

The full list is as follows


2. Zambia

3. South Africa

4. Kenya

5. Zimbabwe

6. Malawi

7. Ghana

8. Botswana

9. Sudan

Comments 55
  • Hector Malubeni

    understand this accent no most educated.
    A place were you find people speaking good accent without hearing an accent of a mother tongue

  • Nwankwo Victor

    Gush! I would prefer a comprehensive list accompanied by a torough research based analysis. No sentiment please, i want to know every country’s current standing in both spoken and written English. Thanks

  • Zimula Miles

    Have always haboured the same…..this is so simple guys..first divide africa in 4 regions NORTH WEST EAST SOUTH then you realise East takes it then still you break it further down to individual countries and you will realise UGANDA takng the first spot!!!!


    why is this even news in Africa, so disgusting. Why should we take pride in colonial hangovers.

  • Lahai conteh

    How authentic is this research?, and what methodology was used to collect the data

  • STAR Ndlovu

    Please,editor ,respect us,this research is a true lie,you cnt use Europeans and Americans to discredit our abilities,,,,,,,,,

  • BVm

    1. Zambia 2. Zimbabwe and then the rest…………South Africa speak slang and cannot be anywhere near number 10!

    • Charles Kamonde

      Kenya’s English is the best!!Period…


    Wakati nyie mnaangaika na lugha zakigeni Tanzania ndo nchi pekee inayoongea kiswahili Sanifu na fasaha….. proudly africa, proudly Tanzania, proudly SWAHILI

  • musa Gambo

    @jaala koo. Or what so ever you called your self i believe ethiopia is also an african country, thus make you people africans as well. So those this mean that your insult in clude your country and fellow african brothers ?. And Yes its well known that your country ethiopia is un colonised country in the world. but yet is the poorest country even in africA. So how dare you insult your African comrades on the grounds of speaking ENGLISH LANGUAGE. For We African’s value our LANGUAGE and cultures,how ever ENGLISH is an international LANGUAGE the serve as a mediatory language between so many tribes and communities not only in africa but arround the world. I’m sure there are many LANGUAGEs and ethnic groups in ethiopia, i wonder how you people are communicating with each other, perhaps this is the reason why it happens to be many cases of human right abuse from your country. because it seems there is a dominant language that maginalised the lesser tribes. Believe me jaala, though you have not been colonised by other foriegn country you are still under the colony and tirany of your very own people. You should therefore be careful of what comes out of your un controlable mouth. We nigerians are not tolerance of such stupidity and bull shit.
    Musa Gambo from nigeria

  • VMM

    Why are we even ranking ourselves for English speaking skills? How is this a “value” worth a forum for discussion? Mental freedom and sovereignty is yet to be won indeed there any ranking in countries beyond africa in the world for speaking chichewa, shona, swahili, setswana or xhosa…?

  • mwana wevhu

    Biased data you wouldnt put zimbabwe at number 5,get your facts right

  • Chasing Stars on the Road Part 1 | Radical Klan

    […] country you are visiting. Malawians speak English and Chichewa. In fact, Malawi has been listed the 6th best English speaking country in Africa (Kenya comes in at number 4) so communication isn’t hard. However, saying thank you […]

  • wilfred

    we are still growing. How can people argue over a foreign language.lets be found sharing ideas on how we can develope our poor economies

  • Ous Banda

    this is useless, what is English language? Is it the best language in the world?


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