Africa Considers Local Production of COVID-19 Vaccines

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To sustain its efforts at vaccination, the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has disclosed that Africa will need a continental capacity for the production of Vaccines to fight against the Coronavirus disease effectively.

So far, at least, 22 out of 54 countries in Africa have received Covid 19 vaccines through the COVAX program in the continent’s bid and effort to vaccinate its 1.3 billion population, and the program has helped to set the pace in the commencement of vaccination processes in those Countries, but the need for local production is imminent.

Five African countries have been positioned by the director of the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. John  Nkengasong,  to have the capacity to produce Covid-19 Vaccines fully equipped. These listed Nations are: South Africa, Senegal, Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt.

In looking at the necessity facing the continent, Dr. John stated that “It is so important for us as a continent to have that because we truly don’t know what these vaccines would do in terms of the longevity of immunity. So if it happens that the immunity wins after two years or so, then it means we need regular, additional vaccination or boosting and that will require that we have a continental capacity. “

In addition, the director noted that a meeting has been planned for April 12 between the African Union and outside partners to create a roadmap which will enable and boost Africa’s capacity to produce vaccines.