Advancement Set To Steer East Africa Mergers And Acquisitions To A New Level

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October 27, 2021

The East African mergers and acquisitions market is headed towards a rebound in the coming three years, courtesy of the chief executives of regional companies who have opted for acquisitions with a bid to boost businesses that were detrimentally impacted by the covid 19 pandemic. According to a survey by KPMG, the pandemic had caused havoc in many countries.

The survey by consultancy firm KPMG East Africa has further indicated that the majority (82 percent) of the Chief executive Officers would make acquisitions over the next three years.

According to the CEO Outlook Survey report that was released last week. The finding indicated that the CEOs believed new partnerships are critical to their digital transformation agenda as they consider diverse growth levers, including strategic alliances with third parties such as data providers.

However, supply chain risks remain a major threat with a total of 74 percent of the respondents noting that their supply chains had been under increasing stress over the past 18 months.

It was suggested that to support their growth ambitions, 40 percent of the CEOs plan need to increase workforces by approximately six to 10 percent.

Story By Meresia Aloo
East Africa’s Correspondent, ALM.