Addis Ababa launches modern urban rail service

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Ethiopia’s first modern urban commuter rail service has been launched in the capital Addis Ababa.

The $470M project, which was mostly funded by China’s Exim Bank, is the first fully electrified train service in sub-Saharan Africa.

Hundreds of people turned up for Sunday’s launch and enjoyed free rides on the trains, which are being touted as the solution to the city’s growing road transport problems.

Emmanuel Igunza attended the launch of the commuter train in Addis Ababa.

Source: BBC

Comment 1
  • Momo Omer

    very good, enterpising young growing african leadership will lead africa either to hell or heaven wthin the coming ten years. african leaders have been saying more than doing. african leaders have had the habit of staying more years on power and of them died fighting after decades on the power. african leaders failed to build unity of their nations. finally, the8y left a divided fragile nations behind. some was quoted saying that they planned intentionally to leave state government behind them. the reason they said was to escape retaliation for the injustice they worked out while on power. african leaders lack statedmanship quality. they are not nation centred but self centred and self complaicency. they have not had the habit consulting with their intellectual persons. they have had the habit of hiding facts preaching false to the public.


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