Abdulmajid Nsekela Named African Banking Personality of the Year 2021

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CRDB Bank Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director Abdulmajid Nsekela have scooped the African Leadership Magazine African Banking Personality of the Year award for 2021. He received the honour at the recently concluded African Persons of the Year presentation ceremony held on the 26th of February 2022.

The award, presented by Dr. Ken Giami, the chairman and founder of the African Leadership Organization was received by Mr. Boma Raballa, the Director of Retail Banking CRDB Bank on behalf of his CEO.

In his acknowledgement, Mr Raballa stated that Mr. Abdulmajid’s recognition as the African Banking Personality of the Year is a profound honour for him, his family, colleagues, and Tanzania as a whole.  He said besides giving him a strong sense of accomplishment, the award reverberates his desire to keep speaking for the change.

Speaking further, Mr. Raballa noted that Africa deserves solid financial institutions to power the dream of its people, and being the chief executive of Tanzania’s largest commercial bank, Mr. Abdulmajid is striving to help create and support the investment climate in Tanzania and the region. He stated that CRDB bank is doing its part, which also forms part of the reasons for the award. Rubella stressed that the bank has a soft spot for corporations impacting lives through the business and those doing their bit to protect mother earth.

Mr. Raballa dedicated the award to everyone in the room doing something to change their life or make the environment sustainable.

Concluding, he called on everyone to individually and collectively do something to solve the issue of climate change, which he referred to as the defining issue of our time, while urging them to reflect on Abraham Lincoln’s words to the US Congress.

“I want to urge each of you to reflect on the words of Abraham Lincoln who said, “the dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the storm present is our case is new. We must think anew and act anew. We must decentral ourselves, and then we shall serve our country” Lincoln spoke before the US Congress on defining issue of his time, which was slavery. Everyone knew slavery had to end, but no one had the political will to stop it. Ladies and gentlemen, we find ourselves confronted with an issue defining in our time, which is climate change. We all have to do something about it individually and collectively within our powers. May you all find the will to do that which you must do.” Mr. Raballa concluded.

Mr. Abdulmajid emerged the African Banking Personality of the Year alongside other winners in various categories, including President Lazarus Chakwera of Malawi as African of the Year; President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya as the African Political Leader of the Year 2021; President Mokgweetsi Masisi of Botswana as the African Peace & Security Leader of the Year 2021; Egyptian Football Star, Mo Salah, as ALM Young person of the Year 2021 among other distinguished winners.

The African Leadership Magazine Persons of the Year Awards, the leading vote-based third-party endorsement in the continent has continued to attract interest from Africans within and in the Diaspora. The award celebrates the outstanding achievements and contributions of African individuals who have represented the continent positively and in no small measure in a particular year.

The African Leadership magazine is published by African Leadership (UK.) Limited, a company registered in the United Kingdom. The magazine is dedicated to bringing Africa’s finest to a global audience, presenting the African narrative from an African perspective while evolving solutions to the peculiar challenges faced by the continent today.