South African real estate firms are looking for opportunities to build malls in other African countries

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Benin Mall, Image Source: Resilient Africa

South African real estate firms are looking for opportunities to build malls in other African countries as the shopping center construction market back home slows down in tandem with a struggling economy that has barely managed to maintain a positive growth in recent years in the face of tough challenges.

The Africa’s second largest economy has the highest concentration of malls on the continent and is ranked among the ten top countries in the world with the most number of shopping malls as well as total floor space.

According to research from Urban Studies, which conducts feasibility studies for shopping centers, South Africa ranks sixth in the world when it comes to number of shopping centers. When it comes to floor space South Africa ranks 7th highest globally, with 23-million square meters.

As at October 2014, there were 1 785 in South Africa, with 44 percent of the shopping centre space being in Gauteng.

Comment 1
  • Alex Sevordji

    Alex is my name and Africa national from Ghana. I’m glad to come across your publication. As energetic young African with industrious spirit and ideal in real estate development and farming. I look forward to meeting to meet interested investors since the Ghana and Africa have high housing deficit and high demand for farm products both locally and externally. The capital market in Ghana and Africa as whole doesn’t not create the culture and conditions to favor young interprenuar. As real estate agent and developer, I look forward to track capital or investors to the real estate or agricultural sector. In Ghana the demand for housing is on the high side with favorable market. I have all the logistics to design modern but affordable or luxury homes, construct them with my easy to access artisans, land acquisition, strategies area location and more that make the investment success.
    It’s my dream to become the best estate developer or farmer in Africa.
    Anyone can reach me on: 0245804087


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