Kenya To Launch Africa’s First Grid-Connected Biogas Plant

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In March, Kenya will be the first country in Africa to launch a grid-connected biogas plant, Mike Nolan, a director at Tropical Power Kenya Ltd told Citizen TV. The company has spent over $6.5 million to develop the Gorge Farm Energy Park anaerobic digester in Kenya’s rift valley  town of Naivasha that is known for its flower farms.

The plant, which is expected to consume an annual 50,000 tons of organic waste sourced from a neighboring 800-hectare farm owned by VegPro Group, will be able to produce 2.8 megawatts that will be sold to the country’s sole electricity distributor Kenya Power at $0.10 per kilowatt hour.

“Some of the electrical power will be sold to farms next door and the balance will be sold to KPLC (Kenya Power) and will go into the national grid,” Nolan told Citizen TV.

A statement from the company said it plans to build similar biogas plants across Africa that will produce more than 130 megawatts by 2018.


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