Tanzania Government Assures Investors of Improved Infrastructure

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Tanzania’s Works and Transport Minister, Prof Makame Mbarawa has assured investors of the government commitment to continue improving key infrastructure, including roads and bridges to enable them operate smoothly in the country.

Equally, he lauded the Tanzania National Roads Agency (TANROADS), for its commitment to oversee various projects being implemented in different regions.

The minister made the remarks during his two-day tour of Kagera region, where among other things, he visited the Kagera Sugar (KSL) factory and later inspected the Kitengure Bridge project, in Missenyi district.

“The government is keen to improve key infrastructure including roads and bridges that can enable investors to conduct their business in friendly environment. Reliable roads and bridges hasten people’s development,” he said.

He expressed satisfaction with the progress recorded so far on the construction of a 140- metre Kitengure bridge, in Missenyi district.

“After visiting the bridge, we are satisfied with its progress which has reached 90 per cent. We are optimistic that the project will be completed and handed over to the government soon,” he said.

Missenyi District Commissioner (DC), Col Wilson Sakulo, on his part, commended President Samia Suluhu Hassan for the efforts being made by the government in executing people-oriented projects.

He explained that the Kitengure Bridge was crucial because it will connect Missenyi and Karagwe districts, thus facilitating movement of people and goods.

“At least 14,000 hectares of sugarcane are in Missenyi district while 16,000 hectares are in Karagwe district. The Kitengure Bridge will facilitate the transportation of the raw material to KSL factory,” he said.

A Fields Officer from the Kagera Sugar Company, Lebahati Emmanuel, hailed the government for constructing the bridge, adding that about 150,000 tonnes of sugarcane were ready to be ferried across the Kitengure Bridge.

“In the past we had to transport the sugarcane from Kitengure to Kyaka-Kagera Sugar, covering a distance of 120 kms, something which negatively affected the production of the commodity,” he said.

The Kitengure Bridge is among mega projects initiated by the late former President John Magufuli and will facilitate transportation of people and goods in Missenyi district.

The bridge construction is being undertaken by a contractor, Ms China Henan International Cooperation Group Co. Ltd (CHICO), at a cost of 25,366,666,667/-. The prior agreed contract completion date was set for October 26th, 2019 but had to be extended due to Covid-19 impact and heavy rains.