Namibian Vice President Mbumba, Ethiopian Trade Minister Melaku, US Department of State’s Williams, Others to Speak at the US – Africa Business Policy Forum 2021

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Namibian Vice President Mbumba, Ethiopian Trade Minister Melaku, US Department of State’s Williams, Others to Speak at the US – Africa Business Policy Forum 2021

…Set to honour Nigeria’s First Bank CEO Adeduntan, Bank of Mauritius Governor Seegolam, Nigeria’s Bank of Industry CEO Pitan

In line with its tradition to continuously provide insight and chart the course forward on how best to improve investment and business relations between the United States and Africa, the African Leadership Magazine (ALM) is set to host the Vice President of Namibia, H.E. Nangolo Mbumba, alongside other policymakers, private sector leaders, civil society leaders, and all stakeholders, during the 6th US – Africa Business Policy Forum 2021, which is scheduled to hold Via Zoom on Thursday, June 24th, 2021.

As the African continent finds strategies to build back stronger than ever from the twin health and economic crises created by the Covid19 pandemic, African leaders would require the partnership of the Biden administration. The continent’s leaders must intentionally continue to position Africa as a land of many opportunities, with the expectation from US President Joe Biden’s administration to lay the groundwork for a renewed U.S policy agenda to promote resilience and prosperity in Africa, given President Biden’s proclivity for multilateralism and his anticipated prioritization of the African Continental Free Trade Area. Therefore, the theme of this Forum is ‘US – Africa Relations: Partnerships, Recovery, and Sustainability.

Joining Namibian Vice President Mbumba to discuss a renewed and reimagined transatlantic partnership towards Africa are Ambassador Bisa Williams, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of African Affairs, U.S. Department of State; Hon. Melaku Alebel, Minister of Trade and Industry, Ethiopia; and Hon. David J. Francis, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Sierra Leone. Also speaking are Amb. Reta Jo Lewis, Senior Fellow and Director of Congressional Affairs, German Marshall Fund of the United States; Dr. Jakkie Cilliers, Chair, Institute for Security Studies, South Africa; Joan Wadelton, President, US – Africa Business Bridge, USA; and Gary Whitehill, Chief Geostrategist, Africans Beyond Aid, USA; among others.

One of the key highlights of the Forum is the recognition of Africans from the business and political spectrum who are contributing to Africa’s socio-economic development. Some of the honourees include H.E Hage Geingob, the President of Namibia; Dr. Adesola Adeduntan, MD, First Bank of Nigeria; Olukayode Pitan, MD, Bank of Industry, Nigeria; Hon. Bill Twehway, MD, National Port Authority, Liberia; Gervais Atta, MD, Atlantic Finance Group, Comoros; Victor Kidiwa, CEO, Development Bank of Kenya; Harvesh Kumar Seegolam, Governor, Bank of Mauritius; Nana Ama Poku, Deputy CEO, Ghana Export-Import Bank; among others.

The African Leadership Magazine is published by African Leadership (UK) Limited, a company registered in the United Kingdom (Company No. 07435198). The magazine focuses on bringing the best of Africa to a global audience, telling the African perspective; while evolving solutions to peculiar challenges being faced by the continent today.


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