Online Educational Platform Developed for Professional Adult Educators in Africa

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News from Malawi reveals that The Institute for International Cooperation of the Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband (DVV International), has launched an online platform for professional adult educators in Africa branded with the name MOJA. The platform was built in a bid to effectively enable adult educators and learners to easily interact with their counterparts across Africa.

A press release issued by the institute disclosed that it is the first time such a platform is developed on the continent to provide networking opportunities for educators.

“This is the first time ever in Africa that adult education and learning professionals have a place where they may easily communicate with each other and form networks to share insights, experiences and outcomes so that the wider continent may benefit from a pan-African team of educators” the statement read.

The launch of the online platform, MOJA, occurred in Lilongwe, the country’s capital and it brought a convergence of stakeholders in the adult literacy sector who were put through an orientation on how the platform operates. Features on the portal include articles, news, links and other resources that are easy to search, download and read.

The Regional Director for DVV International in Southern Africa, David Harrington, referred to the platform as an important development expressing that it will create a community where people working in adult education in Africa have access to resources, find the latest news and events, upload their own information, make contacts with each other and search content on different things.