International Solidarity and Cooperation Right Choice for Vanquishing Coronavirus

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by Chu Maoming, China’s Consul General in Lagos

China has made major strategic achievements in the battle against COVID-19. With nationwide efforts, China has basically controlled the epidemic, successfully resumed work and school and gradually brought its economy back on track, making China the first major economy to return to growth since the outbreak.

In order to commend role models in the battle, most recently, an important meeting was held in China, at which President Xi Jinping made a keynote speech, once again emphasizing the importance of global solidarity in winning the battle. The meeting not only marked a milestone in China’s virus containment efforts but also sent a message of resolve to strengthen global solidarity until the ravaging virus is vanquished.

For China, nationwide solidarity has played a key role in battling the COVID-19 epidemic. In the face of the severe public health crisis, the Chinese people have united as one and stood together. Bearing in mind the importance of solidarity, China has transcended borders and nations the spirit of solidarity by working together with other countries of the world. Not only has China contributed its wisdom and strength, but also offered assistance to the international community in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic to the best of its ability, despite the tremendous pressure in domestic epidemic control. In an open, transparent and responsible manner, China gave timely notification to the international community of the onset of the epidemic, and shared without reserve the virus gene sequence and its experience in containing the spread of the virus and treating the infected. China twice donated funds to the World Health Organization totaling 50 million U.S. dollars and sent 34 medical expert teams to 32 countries. China provided 283 batches of anti-epidemic assistance to 150 countries and four international organizations. China offered or exported anti-epidemic materials to more than 200 countries and regions. For instance, between March 15th and September 6th, China exported 151.5 billion masks, 1.4 billion protective suits, 230 million goggles, 209,000 ventilators, testing kits that can be used for 470 million people and 80.14 million infrared thermometers. In the research and development of COVID-19 vaccines, Chinese scientists shared their progress, including data from clinical trials, with the world. Such transparency has helped researchers from other countries take fewer detours and promote global vaccine research.

From sharing information of epidemic prevention, control and treatment to conducting vaccine development, from dispatching medical teams to offering anti-pandemic materials, from supporting international organizations to play their due roles to building a community of common health for mankind, and from improving global health governance to maintaining global industrial chain open, stable and secured, China has helped save a great number of lives in the world with concrete actions. It fully showcases that China, as a major country, places high importance on credibility, friendship, justice and morality, and it also demonstrates China’s commitment to shoulder the major country responsibility to promote common development and build a community with shared future for mankind.

At present, the COVID-19 pandemic is still wreaking havoc in many parts of the world, placing countries in arduous missions to defeat the virus, stabilize economy and safeguard livelihood. COVID-19 is a new kind of infectious disease. The lesser we know about such an infection, the greater the international cooperation is required. By keeping advancing international cooperation on pandemic control, China reaffirms its commitment to join hands with the global community to cope with growing global challenges. China will continue to play the role of being the largest supplier of global anti-epidemic materials. China will continue to support the World Health Organization in playing a leading role in the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. China will continue to advance economic globalization, steadfastly uphold the multilateral trading system, and join other countries in endeavoring to restore global economic prosperity at an early date.

In this closely connected international community, the final victory will be inclusive and shared by all, and China will always be a part of the endeavor in pursuit of this goal.