Special Editorial Promotion & African Leadership Magazine Showcase of Africa’s Top 50 Business Integrity Organizations 2020

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At this critical time in our collective humanity, we recognize and identify with the unprecedented challenges that businesses, its people and communities have to deal with, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our thoughts and prayers are with all those affected, and we believe the world would soon overcome this challenge.

However, businesses owe it to society to continue to persevere in spite of these challenges, so as to sustain the survival of the human race. The world depends on businesses and its leaders for sustenance, jobs protection and an assured future. And at this time when there is widespread self-isolation and work-at-home, the role and place of the media to not only inform, but mould and promote strong positive references, and inspire hope and innovation in people’s ability to aspire to solve more of the problems facing the African people today, is more important than ever. 

It is for this reason that the board and management of African Leadership Magazine is putting together a Special Editorial Promotion and showcase of Africa’s Top 50 Business Integrity Organizations 2020 – a celebration of leading organizations in Africa and their leaders who have maintained high levels of integrity in the way they conduct their business, thereby helping to improve the investment climates in their areas of operation, and effectively-becoming poster references in the efforts to reduce actual and perceived corruption on the continent.

This posturing also inspires the confidence of the rest of the world to partner with Africa in addressing some of the issues facing the continent, including navigating trade and investment challenges around COVID-19.

To nominate a company or organization operating with high business integrity on the continent, send an email to the addresses below.

editor@africanleadership.co.uk or info@africanleadership.co.uk