TRIOMF Group to Invest $39 Million in Building Rwanda’s first Powdered Milk Factory

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TRIOMF East Africa – a joint venture firm owned by South African and Rwandan investors, has disclosed plans to set up a new powdered milk factory in Rwanda.

The milk factory will go under construction before the end of the year and is expected to intensely boost profit for the country’s livestock subsector.

The plant is estimated to cost around Rwf37 billion in investment, and it will take a year for the factory to be completed, said Antoine Juru Munyakazi, Executive Chairman of TRIOMF East Africa.

Speaking about the factory, Pierre-Célestin Hakizimana, the president of IAKIB –express optimism towards the prospective development.

We were struggling to get an additional market for our produce. This factory would be a relief for us as it will enable us to get a ready market for our produce,” he said pointing out that, overall, the cooperatives in Gicumbi District collect some 95,000 litres of milk per day.

“It will reduce imports of powdered milk, and drive up Rwanda’s export revenues. It will also support job creation, increase tax revenues,” he said.

The factory, when established will be the first of its kind in Rwanda in that it will be producing powered milk, something that is unprecedented in the country.