President Kenyatta appoints new Interior Minister

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Kenyan President, Uhuru Kenyatta, on Tuesday appointed Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i to chair a committee mandated to supervise all government projects, including the Jubilee government’s legacy-driven ‘Big Four’ agenda.

Dr Matiang’i will chair the newly constituted National Development Implementation and Communication Committee, and will be deputized by his Treasury counterpart Henry Rotich.

The team will comprise of all the Cabinet Secretaries, Attorney-General Paul Kihara, and Head of Public Service Joseph Kinyua. Dr Matiang’i, long-seen by analysts as President Kenyatta’s Mr-Fix-It, will in the new position effectively be the prefect of his colleagues, and will report directly to the President.

“The committee will provide supervisory leadership throughout the delivery cycle of all national government programmes and projects. . .They will monitor and evaluate the follow-up mechanisms for resources allocated for national government priority programmes and projects, to ensure proper utilization and realization of the targeted outcomes,” the President said in his Executive Order.

The committee will also provide “coordinated and strategic communication” to the public and other stakeholders on the progress of national government projects and programmes.

The interior ministry, in the changes, will also be in charge of motor vehicles inspection and certification, regulation of public service vehicles, development and implementation of road safety strategies, enforcement of the axle road control through weighbridges, as well as regulation and licensing of motor vehicles.