Rampant Corruption is a Matter of Choice – Hon. Calle Schlettwein, Minister of Finance, Namibia

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…As ALM successfully hosts the African Anti-Corruption Roundtable, Washington DC

Amidst growing calls for renewed efforts from state and non-state actors in the fight against corruption – prompting the African Union, AU, to declare 2018 as the year, for “winning the fight against corruption,” African leaders have been urged to rethink current strategies towards the fight against corruption in the continent.

This charge was contained in the series of presentations made by business and political leaders during the African Anti-Corruption Roundtable, which held at the National Press Club, Washington DC, USA. The event which was organized by African Leadership Magazine, in partnership with Centre for Economic and Leadership Development, CELD, had as its theme: “Corrupt Free Africa-Recipe for Economic Growth & Development”. The Keynote Speaker, Hon. Calle Schlettwein MP, Minister of Finance for the Republic of Namibia, in his remark, maintained that, rampant corruption is a “matter of choice.” He further stated that, “to diminish and deter the rise of corruption, each country has the choice to define its tolerance stance and enforce it within the confines of its laws and checks and balances.”

Continuing, the Mr. Scheltwein, stated that, “Combating corruption encompasses a blend of measures across the mutually reinforcing dimensions of good governance, transparency, accountability and the strength of public institutions. African leaders therefore have diverse opportunities across these dimensions to diminish and deter corruption.”   

The Minister, whose country, Namibia, ranks 5th in the corruption perception index, also spoke about the country’s efforts towards combating corruption.

Also present at this includes: Honorable Sokonte Davies PhD, Executive Director, Marine Operations, Nigerian Port Authority, Monica N. Nashandi, Namibian Ambassador to the United States of America, Mark Marvey, Senior Associate, Heritage Partners & Associates Inc., Liberia, Macaulay Atasie, Chief Executive Officer, Nextzon Business Services, Nigeria, amongst others.

Forum also presented a platform for the business leaders to discuss the effect of corruption to the growth of business and how transparency contributes to sustainable business growth.

Awards were also presented to selected business and political leaders for their contributions towards stemming the tide of corruption and encouraging business transparency.     

About African Leadership Magazine:

The African Leadership magazine is published by African Leadership (UK) Limited, a company registered in the United Kingdom (Company No. 07435198). The magazine focuses on bringing the best of Africa to a global audience, telling the African story from an African perspective; while evolving solutions to peculiar challenges being faced by the continent today.

Since its maiden edition, African Leadership Magazine has grown to become a leading pan-African flagship leadership-focused publication read by over 1, 000, 000 targeted international investors, business executives, government policy makers, and multilateral agencies across Africa, the Middle East and Asia, Europe, and the US. It is distributed at major international and African Leadership events around the world. The magazine has over 850,000 subscribers/followers on Facebook and a virile readership on other social media platforms. It is a niche and unbiased African voice born out of a desire to ameliorate a lot of Africans by focusing on individuals and corporate bodies that are known for their legacy-based approach to leadership. We believe in building sustainable leadership in Africa through the exchange of ideas in tandem with global best practices. The magazine shall continually seek to herald the dawn of a new Africa as the continent of promise and global leadership, championed by people of integrity and resilience who are rising from the challenges of an unpleasant past; thereby preserving a legacy for future generations of our people.

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