Diamond Bank leads retail banking in Africa

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Diamond Bank Plc has been rated four stars and ranked as one of the best retail banks globally by the 2018 Lafferty Banking 500 Index.

In a statement by the bank, it said Lafferty chose Diamond Bank as one of the leading banks globally after credible information gathering process adopted by the Lafferty Research and Development division using key financial parameters.

The parameters include Financial Position, Strategy, Corporate Culture, Living the Brand, Digital Advancement, Management Experience and Customer Satisfaction.

The chairman of Lafferty Group, London, Michael Lafferty, commended Diamond Bank for a good job.

On the rating, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Diamond Bank, Uzoma Dozie, said: “Through our Beyond Banking strategy we have refocused our business on delivering positive outcomes for our customers and be relevant at their point of need.”

Also the Head of Retail Banking of the bank, Robert Giles, said: “Through our digitally-driven strategy, we have been able to reach more customers than ever before and at the same time deliver consistent customer experiences.”