Nestlé Partners with Ashoka to Mentor Social Entrepreneurs in Africa

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Nestlé and Ashoka have commenced a social investment accelerator program to accelerate social entrepreneurship and boost the economic development of Africa on 10th September 2018.

Twelve young social entrepreneurs from Benin, Ghana, Egypt, Kenya, Uganda and South Africa will learn to refine their business model and become investment ready. This is essential to gain access to financing.

These social entrepreneurs are working in the fields of nutrition, agriculture, education, e-commerce, water and sanitation, key sectors for the development of the continent.

More than 20 Nestlé experts working in the field of marketing, technology, legal affairs, accounting and business support, from across the African continent will be mentoring those social entrepreneurs during the next five months. They will support the social entrepreneurs to submit their proposals to angel and social impact investors to gain access to the right type of financing.

In Central & West Africa, three start- ups are part of the initiative. Exportunity Global Trade hub (Benin) is an exclusive virtual market, which connects vendors and sellers by organizing and managing Business-to-Consumer (B2C) and Business-to-Business (B2B) intra African trade.